

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Evaluation of Speech Intelligibility and Resection Area in Patients Who Underwent Tongue Reconstruction after a Glossectomy Takeo Osaki 1 , Tetsuya Dejima 2 , Takashi Shigeta 3 , Hidetoshi Matsui 4 , Shigemichi Iwae 4 , Shunsuke Sakakibara 5 1Department of Plastic Surgery, Hyogo Cancer Center 2Department of Plastic Surgery, Shinsuma General Hospital 3Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hyogo Cancer Center 4Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Hyogo Cancer Center 5Department of Plastic Surgery, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine pp.1079-1084
Published Date 2023/9/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18916/keisei.2023090017
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 Reconstruction is often done after the resection of tongue cancer in an effort to provide the patient with good swallowing and speech function. We used the TKR speech test to evaluate the postoperative speech intelligibility of Japanese patients following tongue reconstruction after their glossectomies for oral cancer. The average age of the 56 participants(35 men, 21 women)was 58.9 years. Five TKR items were examined and compared: the amount of the oral tongue that was excised, the amount of the base of the tongue excision, the use or non-use of postoperative radiation therapy, the type of flap used, and the shape of the reconstructed tongue. The results of our analyses demonstrated that the amount of excised oral tongue, the use of radiation therapy, and the shape of the reconstructed tongue greatly influenced the patientsʼ speech intelligibility. The amount of tongue base excision also tended to affect the articulation of the letter “K”, which is related to the articulation position. The comparison of flaps used revealed that the speech intelligibility of the forearm flap was good; however, this may be due to the bias of using forearm flaps for half-tongue resection and other flaps for subtotal resection.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0021-5228 克誠堂出版


