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内視鏡を用いた前額リフトは,それまでの切開による前額リフトとほぼ同等の結果が得られるうえに後遺症が少ないこともあり,1992年以降急速に発展した 1)。本稿では内視鏡下前額リフトの適応から手術法,合併症について,文献的考察を加えて述べる。
The endoscopic forehead lift has developed rapidly since 1992, achieving equivalent results and resulting in fewer sequelae compared to the conventional incisional forehead lift.
The endoscopic forehead lift is an excellent approach to achieve stable long-term results by releasing the periosteum through a small incision. The complication rate is extremely low, and this endoscopic technique is considered to be a good surgical approach for patients with sagging upper eyelids and wrinkles in the forehead area as their main issues.
We discuss the indications, surgical techniques, and complications of endoscopic forehead lifts and provide a review of the literature.

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