

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Factors and Mechanisms of Pleural Dissemination in Surgically Treated Cases of Lung Metastasis Originated from Pancreatic Cancer Satoshi Suzuki 1 , Takuma Tsukioka 1 , Nobuhiro Izumi 1 , Hidetoshi Inoue 1 , Kantaro Hara 1 , Takuya Tanimura 1 , Noritoshi Nishiyama 1 1Department of Thoracic Surgery, Osaka Metropolitan University Hospital Keyword: lung metastasis of pancreatic cancer , CA19-9 , pleural dissemination , MMP-2 pp.63-67
Published Date 2024/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.15106/j_kyobu77_63
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Pancreatic cancer with distant metastasis typically results in a poor prognosis, but patients with only pulmonary metastasis are reported to have a relatively good prognosis. In this study, we investigated the clinicopathological data and prognosis of 15 patients who underwent surgery for lung metastasis of pancreatic cancer at our hospital between April 2010 and December 2021. The median disease-free interval after pancreatic cancer treatment was 24.5 (9.6-71.8) months. Ten of the 15 patients underwent successful radical resection, while the remaining 5 had pleural dissemination and underwent non-radical resection. The median follow-up duration was 13.5 months, with the median survival time for radical resection and non-radical resection cases being 49.5 months and 31.2 months, respectively. This indicates significantly worse prognosis for non-radical resection cases (p=0.010). Furthermore, the median CA19-9 levels before lung resection were 22 U/ml for radical resection and 2,181 U/ml for non-radical resection cases, significantly higher in the latter (p=0.049). Immunostaining of resected specimens revealed that MMP-2 was positive in 11 of 15 cases, particularly in 4 of 5 cases with pleural dissemination. CA19-9 levels before lung resection may be a predictive factor for pleural dissemination, and MMP-2 may play a role in the mechanism of pleural dissemination.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2024


電子版ISSN 2432-9436 印刷版ISSN 0021-5252 南江堂


