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はじめに 心臓悪性腫瘍はまれであるが,予後はきわめて不良と報告されている.われわれは上大静脈(SVC)症候群で発症した転移性心臓悪性腫瘍を経験したので報告する.
Malignant cardiac tumor is a rare tumor with extremely poor prognosis, and metastatic cardiac tumor causes superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome. A 52-year-old man visited a clinic with a chief complaint of facial edema. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) revealed a mass in the right atrium (RA), obstructing the SVC. Echocardiography revealed a mass about to incarcerate the tricuspid valve orifice. The patient was transferred to our institution for emergency surgery. Tumor resection was performed under general anesthesia. A cardiopulmonary bypass was established with cannulate in the ascending aorta, in the RA through the right femoral vein, and in the left ventricle for venting. The RA was incised, and the tumor was resected. The SVC was incised, and the tumor and blood clots were removed. Because adhesion between vessel wall and the mass was tight, complete mass removal and recanalization of the SVC was not attempted. Pathological diagnosis was metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. All imaging studies failed to identify primary lesions. The clinical course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 17. Four months postoperatively, chemotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma was initiated. The patient is alive at approximately 28 months postoperatively.

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