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近年,胸部ステントグラフト内挿術(TEVAR)後の大動脈リモデリングの有無がその後の予後に関連することが明らかになり1),血管径が手術適応に達していない合併症を伴わないStanford B型大動脈解離(uncomplicated type B aortic dissection:UTBAD)に対し,エントリー閉鎖目的に早期にTEVARを施行する(preemptive TEVAR)ことで良好な大動脈リモデリングが得られるという報告が多くなされるようになった2).2014年のEuropean Society of Cardiology(ESC)ガイドラインでもUTBADに対するTEVARの適応がクラスⅡaに改訂された3).発症2~52週のUTBADを対象とした無作為化比較試験では,内科的治療に対するTEVARの優位性が示されているが4),preemptive TEVAR施行の至適時期に関してはエビデンスに乏しいのが現状である.そこでわれわれは,preemptive TEVAR施行のさらなる至適時期の有無を明らかにするため,エントリー閉鎖目的のTEVAR介入時期がリモデリングに及ぼす影響を検討した.
Purpose:We investigated the relationship between aortic remodeling and timing of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) in patients with uncomplicated Stanford type B aortic dissection.
Methods:29 patients with sub-acute and early chronic uncomplicated Stanford type B aortic dissection underwent TEVAR between February 2019 and August 2022 in our hospital. We retrospectively compared aortic remodeling between 19 patients in the sub-acute (SA) group (15-90 days from onset) and 10 patients in the early chronic (ECh) group (91-365 days from onset) using the false luminal area reduction rate using computed tomography imagings.
Results:The false lumen area reduction rates at the level of the carina in the SA and ECh groups were 21.9±13.5% and 7.0±21.2% (p=0.04) around 3-8 days after TEVAR, 91.8±13.8% and 62.6±48.4% (p=0.26) at 6 months, 96.6±7.2% and 68.7±42.5% (p=0.14) at 12 months, and 96.2±10.0% and 79.2±37.6% (p=0.62) at 18 months respectively. There were no significant differences between the two groups regarding any complication.
Conclusion:Preemptive TEVAR for sub-acute and early chronic uncomplicated Stanford type B aortic dissection resulted in good remodeling and it may provide a good prognosis, especially in the sub-acute stage.

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