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はじめに 胸部大動脈鈍的外傷(BTAI)における胸部ステントグラフト内挿術(TEVAR)の有効性が報告されている1~4).TEVARでは対象となる大動脈径に応じて適正径のデバイスを選択するが,BTAIではショックに伴う不安定な血行動態下で大動脈が細くなり,大動脈径を過小評価してしまう可能性がある.大動脈径の過小評価に起因する不適切なデバイス径選択は,TEVARによる治療効果が得られず,致命的な結果となりうる5).われわれはBTAIに対する緊急TEVARによる1救命例を報告するとともに,術前後の大動脈径の変化について考察した.
Although the efficacy of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for blunt thoracic aortic injury (BTAI) has been reported, the determination of the proper endograft size for TEVAR in BTAI cases is yet to be established. The management of BTAI by TEVAR may not be effective if a wrong endograft size is selected, possibly leading to fatal outcomes. In this case report, a hemodynamically unstable patient with BTAI was saved by TEVAR, and the preoperative and postoperative changes in the aortic diameter were compared. In TEVAR for BTAI, the effects of hemodynamic instability should be considered and the appropriate device size should be determined based on blood pressure, pulse, and inferior vena cava diameter.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2021