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狭小肺動脈弁輪を有するFallot四徴症根治術に対しては,近年自己肺動脈弁輪温存術式(VS)の良好な成績が報告されており,さまざまな工夫を駆使して積極的に肺動脈弁輪を温存する流れにある1,2).しかしながら,弁輪を越える流出路パッチ拡大術(transannular patch repair:TAP)は世界で行われているFallot四徴症根治術のうち半数以上を占めており3),TAPの成績を向上させることは依然として重要な課題である.TAPには工夫されたさまざまな術式が存在するものの,同様の術式でもパッチの素材や右室切開の程度,自己弁温存の程度,肺動脈弁形成の有無などが異なることが多く,最適なTAPとして確立されたものはない4).Sungらが提唱した肺動脈弁尖の拡大形成を併用したTAPでは自己肺動脈弁,とりわけその交連機能を温存することにより,術後の肺動脈弁逆流(PR)の制御が期待でき,かつ自己肺動脈弁の成長による良好な長期成績が期待できると考えられているが6),まだまだ報告は少ない.
Background:Although valve sparing (VS) for patients with smaller pulmonary valves has been increasing, transannular patch repair (TAP) accounts for more than half of the total tetralogy of Fallot corrections worldwide. We use fresh autologous pericardial patches to perform a modified TAP procedure with pulmonary valve leaflet augmentation as proposed by Sung et al. We aimed to explore the early and midterm outcomes of this procedure.
Methods:We retrospectively reviewed 37 patients (group TAP:12;group VS:25) who underwent total tetralogy of Fallot corrections from April 2018 to December 2021.
Results:No midterm mortality was observed at a median observation period of 20.4 months in both groups. The midterm rates of freedom from moderate or more pulmonary regurgitation (PR) were 64.2% and 21.4% in group TAP and 100% and 100% in group VS at 1 and 3 years, respectively (p<0.001). The midterm rates of freedom from pulmonary stenosis reintervention were 100% and 100% in group TAP and 96% and 96% in group VS at 1 and 3 years, respectively (p=0.51).
Conclusions:TAP showed acceptable midterm survival and reintervention rate. Longer follow-up is essential considering the significantly higher PR in the postoperative period in group TAP.

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