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はじめに Stanford A型急性大動脈解離に心タンポナーデを合併することはしばしば認められる所見であり,早急に対応しなければ循環不全をきたし致命的となる.胸部大動脈瘤破裂もまた致命的な疾患であるが,心タンポナーデを合併することはまれである.心タンポナーデの所見から急性大動脈解離が疑われ,造影CTによる精査で弓部大動脈瘤の心囊内穿破と診断し,救命した症例を経験したので報告する.
A 73-year-old woman presented with severe dyspnea. Type A acute aortic dissection with cardiac tamponade was suspected by plain computed tomography (CT). She was referred to our hospital with cardiogenic shock. In our hospital, contrast-enhanced CT revealed a ruptured aortic arch aneurysm and cardiac tamponade, which is a rare and potentially fatal clinical crisis. The left pulmonary artery was compressed by a hematoma, and there was no aortic dissection. Emergent aortic arch replacement under moderate hypothermia with selective cerebral perfusion was successfully performed. A saccular aneurysm at the lesser curvature of the aortic arch ruptured into the pericardial cavity. Her postoperative course was uneventful, and she was discharged home on the 39th postoperative day.

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