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はじめに 一般的に肥満は,術中・術後のさまざまな合併症のリスク因子であるといわれている.高度肥満例における心臓手術では,手術時期や周術期管理の面でいまだ議論の余地がある.われわれは,body mass index(BMI)40を超える高度肥満の2例で,減量後に心臓手術を行い良好な結果を得たので,術後管理も含めて報告する.
Obesity is a risk factor of postoperative complications. We experienced 2 extremely obese patients:a 32-year-old male with coronary artery disease and a 75-year-old female with aortic valve stenosis. Their initial body weights were 133 kg and 88.5 kg, respectively, and their initial body mass indexes (BMIs) were both 41. Their BMIs were reduced to 35.5 and 35, respectively, after preoperative weight reduction. Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting and aortic valve replacement were performed, respectively. After surgery, the non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) support was effective, and their postoperative courses were uneventful. Preoperative weight reduction and NPPV are useful for extremely obese patients who undergo cardiac surgery.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2018