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はじめに 原発性心臓腫瘍の頻度は剖検例の0.02~0.3%であり,そのうち乳頭状線維弾性腫(PFE)は粘液腫,脂肪腫に次いで3番目の頻度で約8~10%である.左心室内腔より発生した場合,小さいとその発見は困難である.われわれは重症僧帽弁閉鎖不全症による心不全で入院した患者で,左室流出路にある小さなPFEを術前に発見し,摘出術を行ったので報告する.
Papillary fibroelastoma (PFE) is a rare and benign primary cardiac neoplasm. The incidence of PFE in the left ventricle is lower than that in other parts of the heart. A 67-year-old female was referred to our cardiology department for treatment of severe cardiac failure due to mitral regurgitation. Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography coincidently revealed a 1.0 cm highly mobile mass attached by a stalk to the outflow tract wall of the left ventricle. The mass was easily detected using endoscope and successfully removed without any postoperative complications and was pathologically diagnosed as a PFE. In this report, we discuss the echocardiographic character of PFE and the usefulness of endoscope for the identification and resection of a PFE in the left ventricle.
© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2018