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上行大動脈に解離が及ぶStanford A型急性大動脈解離(AAD)はきわめて予後不良で,症状の発現から1時間あたり1~2%の致死率があると報告されている1).発症直後から経時的な変化を起こし,広範囲な血管に病変が進展するため心タンポナーデ・心筋梗塞・脳虚血・対麻痺・下肢虚血などの種々の病態を示すことが多い.大動脈基部への解離進展もしばしば見受けられ,基部再建術を行うことも増えてきている.基部再建
We evaluated retrospectively 11 consecutive patients who underwent emergent aortic root operations for acute aortic dissection from April 2012 to March 2017. We underwent Bentall operation in 6 patients and Florida Sleeve repair in 3 patients and aortic root replacement with a Freestyle stentless porcine valve in 2 patients. The 30-day mortality of emergent aortic root operations was 9.1%(1 of 11), and the hospital mortality was 18.2%(2 of 11). The Overall survival at 5 years was 90.0%. In conclusion, the aortic root repair can be performed safely in acute aortic dissection.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2018