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Carney complex(CNC)はまれな遺伝性腫瘍内分泌疾患の一つで,皮膚色素沈着を特徴とし,種々の内分泌腺腫,心臓粘液腫,乳腺粘液腫などを合併する.われわれは,本疾患群に合併した腫瘍の1例を経験したので報告する.
Carney complex (CNC) is a rare genetic syndrome, characterized by spotty pigmentation of the skin, cardiac myxomas and multiple endocrine tumors. We present a case of asymptomatic cardiac myxoma associated with CNC. She was 49 year-old healthy woman whose son was known to have CNC. She was also diagnosed as CNC due to her family history, typical cutaneous findings and screening endocrine test. Screening ultrasound echocardiography resulted in discovering her asymptomatic left atrial myxoma of 30 mm size. Tumor was successfully resected via median sternotomy and no signs of recurrence were observed at 1 year follow up. Periodical follow up is mandatory because of its high recurrence rate.

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