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An interview-based study was conducted to clarify the period when patients perceive recovery in the early stages after gastrointestinal surgery, as well as factors associated with it. Ten (7 males and 3 females) patients with a mean age of 75.3 were involved based on the following inclusion criteria: inpatients of a hospital in the Kinki area; cancer patients with all catheters removed after surgery; and those without postoperative complications. The patients perceived the recovery of their conditions the most frequently when: 1) pain disappeared, followed by: 2) when mobility was restored, 3) diet improved, and 4) so stated by the doctor, in this order. The tendency to perceive recovery based on the doctor's statements was particularly marked among males. The mean number of days needed to perceive recovery after surgery was 4.8. The presence/absence of a drain did not necessarily influence this period. The most frequent feeling when perceiving recovery was: 1) relieved, followed by: 2) refreshed, 3) light-hearted, and 4) cheerful/delightful, in this order. The restoration of mobility by reducing pain or removing catheters inserted into the body was the most important factor for the patients to perceive recovery, and the period of such perception was closely associated with this. Placing much confidence in doctors, male patients tended to perceive recovery, depending on the contents of their explanations. Based on the results, it may be effective to provide patients with nursing support as part of discharge promotion when they perceive the recovery of their conditions, and feel light-hearted. At this point, promoting the understanding of individual patients, while attaching importance to their perception, may be important.
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