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The purpose of this study was to search for motivating factors to promote self-care and actual behavior in patients undergoing chemotherapy.
The subjects were 10 patients and 9 nurses. We performed a content analysis of the motivating factors of self-care behavior in patients, self-care behavior, and the outcome of self-care.
We extracted the following factors that promoted motivation for self-care in patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer : acquisition of effective information, reinforcement from others, self-reinforcement, not having the situation hidden, having someone to trust, assurance that everyone in the family was working in the same direction, positive self-evaluation of one's situation, confidence based on one's experiences, and awareness that pain can be prevented or alleviated.
We extracted the following factors for self-care behavior : prevention and treatment of side-effects, adjustments in daily life, gaining strength, change of mood, expression of emotions, ability to handle medical devices, adjustments in work, talking with one's family, searching for needed information, and providing medical personnel with the necessary information.
We extracted the following factors for self-care behavior in patients who underwent chemotherapy for cancer : ability to make decisions, continuation of treatment, gaining a sense of control, easing of anxiety and easing of pain.
Among the factors we extracted that are the motivation for self-care behavior were reinforcement and the alleviation of pain, along with acquisition of information.
A relationship that meets the emotional needs of the patient after he or she is informed of the disease is desirable in order to promote self-care in patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.
Copyright © 2002, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.