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前立腺がんは,PSA(prostate specific antigen:前立腺特異抗原)スクリーニングによる早期発見が進められている一方,早期で悪性度が低い場合,無治療経過観察(watchful waiting:待機療法)という選択肢がある.本研究の目的は,無治療経過観察中の前立腺がんをもって生きる人々の体験を明らかにし,看護支援のあり方について示唆を得ることである.
Prostate cancer is detected earlier with the spread of prostate specific antigen(PSA) screening test. Some of the patients with early stage localized prostate cancer choose regular checks of PSA : watchful waiting, instead of active treatment. The purpose of this study is to investigate men's experience living with untreated prostate cancer and to suggest nursing care.
13 men were interviewed using a semi-structured interview about their own meanings of living with untreated prostate cancer. The data were analyzed qualitatively referring to phenomenological approach inspired by Colaizzi.
As a result, we identified 6 essentials of experience living with untreated prostate cancer -"View of the diagnosis", "Understanding the choice of treatment at present" "Uncertainty of the future and feelings tossed by PSA", "Attitude coping with the disease for himself", "Trust and feelings regarding his physician", and "Feelings toward people surrounding him". Then, we created the "Figure of men's experience living with untreated prostate cancer" based on these 6 essentials.
We can see the direction to provide care suitable for each man, when we know how he understands these 6 essentials. We need to know how they understand the diagnosis told by their physicians, what disturbs them, and how they cope with the uncertainty. Then we can provide the information to increase the understanding of each man. We need to adjust the relationships between the men and the physicians, and the men and people surrounding them if they feel lonely because of their relationships or the gaps in understanding. Of course, we need to understand their solitude and anxiety. Nurses need to watch over reticent men and adjust the resources they need. Then nurses could become one of their resources.
Copyright © 2007, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.