

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Developing and Examining the Effects of a Reflection-Map Program (RMP) That Promotes Experiential Learning in Nurses Yukiko Iioka 1,2 , Naomi Watanabe 3 , Mari Tashiro 4,5 , Yuko Takayama 6 , Hideko Enomoto 7 , Chiho Hirota 8 , Nobuko Kihara 9 , Marie Endo 10 1Department of Health and Social Services, Graduate Course of Health and Social Services, Saitama Prefectural University 2Research and Development Center, Saitama Prefectural University 3Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital 4St. Luke's International University 5Yushokai Medical Corporation Home Clinic 6Japan Community Healthcare Organization Yokohama Chuo Hospital 7Japan Community Healthcare Orqanization Tokyo Shinjuku Medical Center 8Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University 9Social Medical Corporation Junkokai Koto Hospital 10Graduate Course of Health and Social Services, Saitama Prefectural University Keyword: リフレクション , 看護職 , プログラム開発 , レジリエンス , ストレス , reflection , nurses , program development , resilience , stress pp.676-688
Published Date 2023/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Purpose: This study aimed to develop and examine the effects of a reflection-map program (RMP) that promotes experiential learning in nurses.

 Methods: Based on the ALACT model, an RMP was developed as a 5-step program employing themes and questions derived from brainstorming. A single-group, before-after quasi-experimental study was carried out on nurses who participated in the RMP. Prior to the RMP and immediately after, a questionnaire including the Resilience Scale for Nurses and Psychological Stress Response Scale (SRS-18) was administered. This study received approval from the research ethics review committee.

 Result: Analysis was conducted on data from 260 respondents. A before-after comparison showed a significant increase in scores for the Resilience Scale for Nurses, a significant difference in scores for 3 items related to motivation in nursing, 2 items related to self-esteem, and 2 items related to feeling difficulty in nursing practice, as well as a significant decrease in SRS-18 scores. The program evaluation received 7 or more points in areas such as level of satisfaction and utility.

 Conclusion: The RMP was shown to be effective in boosting resilience and mitigating psychological stress.

Copyright © 2023, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


