

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Life History of a Patient Undergoing Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation: Creation of a New Self Mitsunobu Matsuda 1 , Yayoi Yagi 2 1Division of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, University of Fukui School of Nursing 2University of Shizuoka School of Nursing Keyword: 末梢血幹細胞移植 , 病の経験 , ライフヒストリー , 記述的研究 , peripheral blood stem cell transplantation , experience of illness , life history , descriptive study pp.13-22
Published Date 2006/3/20
  • Abstract
  • Reference


 The purpose of the present study was to describe and interpret the meaning of the life history of a female patient with malignant lymphoma who received peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.

 The philosophical perspective of the present study was Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of embodiment. Data collection and analysis were performed according to the life history method.

 The following research method was used:(1)The patient participated in semi-structured interviews about her process of survival. (2)The narrative of the patient's experience was recorded verbatim. (3)The life history of the patient was described according to the life history method.

 During the interviews, the investigators aimed to understand one individual's experience with an illness from a counseling perspective.

 As a result of the interpretation of interview data, the central theme of the patient's experience with her illness was understood as the“creation of a new self”. This central theme was structured based on 3life stages and 3sub-themes.

 The recommendations for nursing practice that were derived from the patient's experience were recognizing the importance of providing psychological care for patients, providing psychological care that alleviates the stress felt by the patient's family,and developing nursing care that addresses the patient's suffering. In addition, the patient's experience emphasized the importance of providing long-term assistance for patients in order to identify the positive meaning of their illness and to allow them to live positively.

Copyright © 2006, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


