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要旨:本報告の目的は,作業中心のEvidence-based practice(以下,EBP)を支援する臨床教育について事例に基づき探索的に検討することである.対象者は回復期リハビリテーション病院に勤務する作業療法士1名であった.教育内容は,作業中心のEBPのコンピテンシーを参考にした臨床教育を約6ヵ月間実施した.担当する事例の臨床場面における指導や助言に加えて,介入の進捗状況に応じて個別のレクチャーを行った.臨床教育の前後でEBPに対する態度や認識ならびに職業的アイデンティティの向上を認めた.これらの変化は,作業中心のEBPを支援する臨床教育の有用性を示唆する結果であると考えられた.
The objective of this report is to present a case-based, investigative examination of clinical education aimed at bolstering occupation-centered evidence-based practice (EBP). The participant was an occupational therapist employed at a convalescent hospital. The clinical education program, which lasted approximately six months, was based on occupation-centered EBP competencies. Alongside providing guidance and advice regarding the clinical scenario of the assigned case, individual lectures were administered according to the intervention's progress. Pre-and post-education, there was a marked improvement in participants' attitudes and perceptions regarding EBP, as well as a boost in their professional identities. These developments suggest the clinical education program's utility in supporting occupation-centered EBP.

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