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要旨:【はじめに】Capabilities of Upper Extremity Test(CUE-T)は頸髄損傷者(CSCI)に特化した上肢機能評価であり,本邦におけるCUE-Tの臨床的有用性を検証した.【対象と方法】研究1:CSCI 19名を対象とし,CUE-Tと既存の評価との相関関係を検証した.研究2:CSCI 4名のCUE-Tと既存の評価の経時的な結果を視覚化して分析した.【結果】研究1:CUE-Tと既存の評価はSpearmanの順位相関係数が0.7以上(p<.01)となった.研究2:CUE-Tは全症例で詳細な変化を検知した.【考察】本邦におけるCUE-Tの良好な妥当性と反応性が示唆された.
The Capabilities of Upper Extremity Test (CUE-T) is a detailed upper extremity function evaluation specialized for CSCI. The purpose of this research was to verify the clinical usefulness of CUE-T in Japan. The subjects were 19 CSCI patients. In the first study we examined the correlation between CUE-T and the general evaluation method. In the second study we visualized and analyzed the changes over time in CUE-T, and general upper extremity evaluation method in 4 CSCI patients. In the first study CUE-T and the general evaluation method were Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 0.7 or higher (p<.01), while in the second study CUE-T detected detail changes in upper limb function in all cases. The results indicate good validity of CUE-T in Japan and its sensitivity to changes.

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