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要旨:健常者12名と脳損傷者22名を対象にTinkertoy Test(以下,TTT)を実施した.健常者に比べ,脳損傷者において合計得点,名称の有無,可動性で有意に成績の低下が見られた.各対象者の課題実施中の行動・発言や完成後のインタビューに関する質的分析を行い,TTTの遂行成績を分類した.その結果,目標作品完成群,目標変更による作品完成群,目標の一部のみ完成群,目標と作品の不一致群,目標設定困難群といった遂行成績による5群の存在を認めた.TTTの評価は作品の評価だけではなく遂行過程を分析することで,遂行機能障害の構成要素との関係について明らかにすることができた.
We administered the Tinkertoy Test to 12 normal subjects and 22 persons with brain damage. Total scores and scores on naming and mobility among brain damaged patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy controls. Subjects' behaviors and utterances during tasks were subsequently analyzed and the performances were classified. Five groups were identified according to their performance: completed the task, completed the task by changing their goal, completed part of the goal, and completed the task unrelated to the goal and difficult to formulate a goal. The results clarified the relationships between components of executive dysfunction and the processes of Tinkertoy Test performance.

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