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要旨:慢性の不眠を有する慢性期統合失調症圏患者を対象に運動を実施し,自覚的睡眠感の改善効果を検証した.対象は平均年齢62.3歳の女性患者9名で,夕方から運動強度約4.0 METsを20分間試みた.10週間,6回/週(計63回),1ヵ月間平均24回実施したところ,日本語版不眠重症度質問票(Japanese version of the Insomnia Severity Index;ISI-J)が改善した.また,運動を中止した1ヵ月後にはISI-Jは悪化した.この結果から,統合失調症圏障害患者の慢性化した不眠に対し,夕方の運動を継続的に実施することは自覚的睡眠感に有用であることが示唆された.
In this study, we examined whether physical exercise was effective in improving the subjective sleep quality of subjects with chronic schizophrenia. The subjects were nine female patients with a mean age of 62.3 years. They performed exercises with an approximate intensity of 4.0 METs for 20 minutes in the evening. We observed improvement in the Japanese version of insomnia severity index (ISI-J) after 10 weeks, 6 times/week (63 times in total), and an average of 24 times per month. Furthermore, the ISI-J deteriorated one month after the discontinuation of physical exercise. Thus, the findings suggest that continuous physical exercise performed in the evenings is useful for the subjective sleep quality of elderly patients with schizophrenia who suffer from chronic insomnia.

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