

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Relief of dyspnea caused by Collagen Vascular Disease-Associated Interstitial Pneumonia through adjusting household behavior: A case study Koji Kumano 1 , Naoto Matsuda 1 , Atsushi Shindo 1 , Hiroaki Murata 2 , Takahiro Yamada 3 1Department of Rehabilitation, Panasonic Health Insurance Organization Matsushita Memorial Hospital 2Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Panasonic Health Insurance Organization Matsushita Memorial Hospital 3Department of Respiratory Medicine, Panasonic Health Insurance Organization Matsushita Memorial Hospital Keyword: 間質性肺炎 , 呼吸困難 , 作業遂行 , 行動変容 , Interstitial pneumonia , Dyspnea , Occupational performance , Behavior change pp.473-480
Published Date 2021/8/15
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 A male patient in his 60s suffered from Collagen Vascular Disease-Associated Interstitial Pneumonia(CVD-IP)resulting in dyspnea. The patient experienced inefficient ventilation resulting in respiratory difficulty. Occupational therapy (OT) intervention was performed on the patient's household behavior. To alleviate the dyspnea, OT intervention included modifying his working style, adjusting the workload, conducting environmental studies, and coaching in the breathing methods appropriate for this case. As a result, dyspnea was reduced, and behavior improved to a significant degree. Understanding the pathophysiology of CVD-IP, as well as both respiratory and work performance analyses were effective in reducing dyspnea.

Copyright © 2021, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


