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要旨:脳卒中地域連携パスに付随したCI療法連携表を作成し運用を開始した.急性期から回復期までCI療法を継続し関わった事例について報告する.事例は70歳代女性,左被殻出血を発症し入院翌日リハビリテーション開始となった.開始時FMA 4点,FIM(運動/認知)13点/16点,21病日CI療法を導入し,詳細な内容をCI療法連携表に記載して転院となった.回復期ではCI療法連携表の内容を参考に介入し,71病日よりCI療法を実施した.結果,FMA 62点,MAL(AOU/QOM)4.7点/4.7点,FIM(運動/認知)83点/35点まで改善した.CI療法連携表による情報共有から共通概念のもと介入することは,機能回復やADLが獲得できる可能性をもった取り組みと考える.
A CI therapy cooperation table attached to the stroke regional alliance path was created and initiated. We report on the stroke case of a 70s woman suffering from a hemorrhage of the left putamen that utilized CI therapy from the acute phase to the recovery phase. 21 days a day after the stroke, CI therapy began, and FMA and FIM (exercise/cognition) values were 4 and 13/16, respectively. Then, the hospital was changed as part of the cooperation path. In the recovery phase, CI therapy was introduced 71 days after the stroke, resulting in further improvement in FMA 62, MAL (AOU/QOM) 4.7/4.7, and FIM (exercise/cognition) 83/35. Continuing with the CI therapy cooperation path has a potential for functional recovery and resumption of activities of daily living.

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