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要旨:意味のある作業が前頭前野に及ぼす影響を近赤外線分光法(NIRS)によって明らかにした.対象は20名の健常者とした.実験課題は意味のある作業,人工的作業,エクササイズの3課題であった.信号比較のために標準化指数(Frontal lobe index;以下,FI)を算出した.各課題のFIの比較の結果,意味のある作業とエクササイズ間に有意差があった(p<0.01).FIと作業的意味のVisual Analog Scaleとの間には正の相関があった(r=0.38,p<0.001).結果から,意味のある作業はエクササイズと比較して作業的意味を高め,前頭前野を賦活する可能性が示唆された.
The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between meaningful occupation and the prefrontal lobe by NIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy). This study consisted of 3 tasks: meaningful occupation, contrived occupation and exercise. To compare NIRS signals, we calculated the standardized Frontal Lobe Index (FI). As a result of comparing the FI of each task, significant differences were seen between meaningful occupation and exercise. A positive correlation between the Visual Analog Scale about occupational meaning and FI was observed. The present results suggest that meaningful occupation might activate the prefrontal lobe and raise the occupational value, in comparison with exercise.

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