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The purpose of this study is to find out cognitive traits with regard to uncertain phenomena in Schizophrenia. First of all, to find out how Schizophrenia was classified into uncertain phenomena, a questionnaire was used, and for data analysis, cluster analysis was used. Secondly, to check risk aversion under profit conditions (the certainty effect) in Schizophrenia, a cross table was used. Thirdly, to find out about the components of risk aversion, a questionnaire was used and factor analysis was used. As a result, in Schizophrenia, first of all, uncertain phenomena were divided into two components, controllable and uncontrollable, and neutral components, found in college students, was not divided. Secondly, the certainty effect on risk taking, claimed by Description theory in healthy people, was not found. Thirdly, for components of risk aversion under daily phenomena, two factors was extracted, which included aversion for life crisis and traits for risk taking, and suspension factor, found in college students, was not extracted. We hypothesize that a neutral component, certainty effect and a suspension factor, require cognitive load accompanying complex information processing. And Schizophrenia decreases ability to manage cognitive load. I therefore considered that cognitive load, neural component ; certainty effect and suspension factor did not appear in Schizophrenia. This knowledge leads us to carry out direct expression and not ask for suspension in risk communication for participation in Schizophrenia.
Copyright © 2005, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.