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要旨:認知症高齢者に対するリハビリテーションでは,身体機能や認知機能だけでなく,生活の質(以下,QOL)に着目することが求められる.そこで我々は,パーソン・センタード・ケアの理念に基づいたCognitive Stimulation Therapyを参考に,「いきいきリハビリ」を開発した.本研究では小集団に対し,「いきいきリハビリ」を実践することで,効果の検証を行った.その結果,介入後の認知機能評価では有意差は認められなかったが,QOL評価では有意差を示した.これらにより「いきいきリハビリ」の持つ,パーソン・センタード・ケアの要素と集団における社会的な関わりの増加が,認知症高齢者のQOL向上に寄与することが示唆された.
Rehabilitation for elderly people with dementia should not only focus on physical and cognitive function but also address quality of life (QOL). Therefore, we developed “Ikiiki-Rihabiri”, an individual therapy based on Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST); CST is a group therapy that follows a person-centered care model. The objective of the present study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of “Ikiiki-Rihabiri” as a group therapy. After the intervention, the results showed limited improvement in cognitive function significant improvement in QOL. These findings suggest that “Ikiiki-Rihabiri”'s features of person-centered care and increased psychosocial interaction in group-based therapy contribute to the improvement of QOL in elderly people with dementia.

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