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要旨:本研究の目的は,内容的妥当性のある作業療法士(OTR)の職業的アイデンティティ(Professional Identity;PID)尺度項目の作成とその特徴を考察することである.先行研究を基盤に25項目の原案を作成し,42名の経験豊富なOTRにデルファイ法に基づき同意度調査を行い,内容的妥当性を検討した.同時に記述式調査も行い,OTR独自の尺度項目の作成も図った.その結果,記述式調査から13項目を作成し,同意度調査で11項目が削除され,27の内容的妥当性のある尺度項目案を得た.コンセンサスが形成された項目案の傾向から,対象者の存在がOTRのPIDに大きく影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆された.今後は更なる検討を行い,尺度を完成させることが課題である.
The purpose of this study is to create an original measurement item and examine the internal validity of professional identity scales among occupational therapists. Twenty-five scale items were created based on previous research in the subordinate concept of identity. Using the Delphi method, we performed an agreement degree investigation of the measurement item in OTR of 42 people. This resulted in the creation of 13 items in a description investigation, and 11 items were deleted in an agreement degree investigation. A measurement item internal validity of 27 was obtained. The results suggest that the professional identity of occupational therapists influences relationships with others. We were able to obtain 27 valid items with this study. It is necessary to examine the construct validity and reliability.

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