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要旨:在宅高齢者71名(男性10名,女性61名)を対象として,腕時計型加速度計Actiwatch 2を用いた生活リズム評価と,身体活動量計のActicalを用いた身体活動量分類別評価を行い,生活リズムと身体活動量との関係性について検討した.その結果,「生活パターンの規則性」と身体活動量との関係性は否定されたが,「活動-休息リズム」と,身体活動量との関係性が認められた.高齢者において良好な生活リズムを確保するためには,中強度以上の生活活動に着目した身体活動量の増加が重要であると考えられた.
We studied the relationship between circadian rhythm and amount of physical activity. Circadian rhythm values were measured using Actiwatch2, and physical activity value was measured using Actical in 71 (10 male and 61 female) elderly living at home. A resulting relationship between “active-rest rhythm” and the amount of physical activity was observed, but there was no indication of a relationship between “regularity of the life pattern” and the amount of physical activity. We suggest that the elderly can obtain a balanced circadian rhythm by increasing the amount of physical activity focusing on life activities, or at a more moderate intensity.

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