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要旨:人工膝関節置換術(total knee arthroplasty;以下,TKA)後患者の破局的思考は慢性痛に影響を与える要因である.本研究は,破局的思考と疼痛および作業遂行能力の関連を調べることを目的とした.TKA後患者42名を対象とし,破局的思考にはPain Catastrophizing Scale(以下,PCS),疼痛にはNumerical Rating Scale(以下,NRS),作業遂行能力にはカナダ作業遂行測定(以下,COPM)を測定し,Spearmanの順位相関係数の検定と回帰分析により解析した.その結果,PCSにはNRSだけでなくCOPMも同程度に関連があることが示された.これらから,TKA後患者に対するCOPMの有用性が示唆された.
Pain catastrophizing has been reported to affect chronic pain after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). This study aimed to determine the correlations among postoperative pain catastrophizing, pain, and occupational performance. Forty two patients who underwent TKA were assessed for pain catastrophizing with the pain catastrophizing scale (PCS), for pain with the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), and for occupational performance with the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). Spearman's rank correlation coefficient test and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. There were a significant correlation between PCS, NRS, and COPM. These data suggest that it is important to assess the COPM of patients who underwent TKA.

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