

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Survey on the Effectiveness of the “Let's Become a Physiatrist” Seminar Fumihito Kasai 1 , Dai Fujiwara 1 , Mari Kakita 1 , Akira Yoshida 1 , Hidetsugu Matsumoto 1 , Michiyuki Kawakami 1 , Takumi Ikeda 1 , Takashi Hiraoka 1 , Fumihiro Tajima 1 1Education Committee of the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Keyword: リハビリテーション科医 , physiatrist , 専門医 , specialist , 調査 , survey pp.248-252
Published Date 2023/3/18
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Abstract Objective:Only 44 of the 82 university medical schools in Japan have rehabilitation medicine departments, although rehabilitation medicine is one of the 19 basic specialties recognized by the Japanese Medical Specialty Board, and many medical doctors are concerned regarding selecting rehabilitation medicine as a basic specialty without sufficient education in the field. The “Let's Become a Physiatrist” Seminar has been organized since 2017 to eliminate such concerns, and this study aimed to investigate how these results are manifested in the number of majors.

Methods:We examined the number of past attendees and tracked how many of them became rehabilitation medicine majors.

Results:The number of seminar attendees over a 5-year period was 589. The number of on-demand viewers in FY2020 and FY2021, which were held via the web, was 554. A total of 116 of the 471 physicians who began specialty training in rehabilitation medicine after the seminar was planned attended or web viewed the seminar accounting for 24.63%.This percentage has been increasing each year, with 36.81% of the majors who applied in 2022 attending the seminar, and the number of multiple attendees also increased. The number of majors has increased significantly doubling to 144 in 2022 compared with 74 in 2018.

Conclusion:In many cases, the seminar helped the attendees learn more about physiatrists and develop their thoughts while attending multiple times. Thus, they started their majors. Five years have passed since we started planning this seminar, and we believe that the results are now coming to fruition.

Copyright © 2023, The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1881-3526 日本リハビリテーション医学会


