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方法:対象は3年間の脳卒中片麻痺患者のうち,退院時の杖歩行が監視以上の者とし,病棟内杖歩行自立群と非自立群に分けた.評価項目はSIAS下肢運動合計(SIAS-LE),Trunk Control Test(TCT),Berg Balance Scale(BBS),10m歩行速度(m/s),入院時FIM認知合計(FIM-C)とし,自立群は歩行自立時,非自立群は退院時の評価を用いた.さらに歩行自立後の転倒状況も調査した.統計分析は単変量解析および決定木分析を行った.
Objective:This study aimed to clarify the objective criteria for assessing walking independence using cane in patients with stroke in the convalescent rehabilitation ward.
Methods:Participants were in-patients with hemiparetic stroke who could walk with a cane, and they were categorized into the independent (ID) and supervised (SV) walking groups. Stroke impairment assessment set-motor for lower extremity (SIAS-LE), trunk control test (TCT), Berg balance scale (BBS), 10-m walking speed (m/s), and functional independence measure-cognitive (FIM-C) were assessed. ID and SV used the scores at the time of independent walking and at the discharge time, respectively. Additionally, falls after independence were investigated. Statistical analysis was performed using univariate analysis and decision tree analysis.
Results:In total, 148 patients (ID:n=101, 68±13 years, SV:n=47, 79±12) were included. Significant differences were observed in walking speed, TCT score, BBS score, and FIM-C score between the groups. Moreover, walking speed, FIM-C score, and BBS score were selected in the decision tree analysis in this order and divided into five groups namely:1) walking speed ≥ 0.42 and FIM-C ≥ 22 (percentage of independent patients 97%/percentage of fallers 5%), 2.) walking speed ≥ 0.42, FIM-C < 22, and BBS ≥ 50 (100%/0%), 3.) walking speed ≥ 0.42, FIM-C < 22, and BBS < 50 (52%/8%), 4.) walking speed < 0.42, and BBS ≥ 28 (49%/28%), and 5) walking speed < 0.42 and BBS < 28 (0%/0%). The overall percentage of fallers was 8.9%, with group 4 having the highest number of fallers.
Conclusion:Walking speed, FIM-C, and BBS, in decreasing order, were involved in walking independence. Patients with low walking speed were more likely to fall. Therefore, careful assessment of walking independence is particularly required.

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