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石灰沈着性腱板炎(rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy:RCCT)は,激烈な肩関節痛で始まる石灰沈着物(リン酸カルシウム結晶)周囲の炎症を特徴とする病態であり,肩関節痛のある患者において,しばしばみられる疾患である1, 2).一方で,脳卒中片麻痺上肢の肩関節痛は,肩関節亜脱臼や肩手症候群,肩関節周囲炎などが原因で,脳卒中患者全体の約30%が経験するとされ3),リハビリテーション治療,特に作業療法を行ううえで阻害因子となる.肩関節痛の要因の1つである肩関節亜脱臼は,特に上肢麻痺が重度の場合に高率にみられる4).肩関節亜脱臼の診断には,画像所見が非常に重要で,定量的かつ定期的な評価5)としてだけでなく,骨関節の種々の問題を検討することができる意味でも有用であり,多くの介入研究6)で採用されている.
Shoulder subluxation, a risk factor for hemiplegic shoulder pain, is an important target to treat during stroke rehabilitation. Calcific tendinitis is an idiopathic condition characterized by calcium deposition over fibrocartilaginous tenocyte metaplasia that inhibits the efficacy of occupational therapy for the treatment of stroke. To provide comprehensive occupational therapy, we provided repetitive facilitative exercise under continuous neuromuscular electrical stimulation and robot-assisted training, while controlling pain, for fourteen weeks in a case of convalescent post-stroke hemiplegia with rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy and shoulder subluxation. As a result, this comprehensive occupational therapy not only improved upper-extremity function and the ability to manipulate objects, but also reduced calcified deposits. Shoulder subluxation with calcifying tendinitis is rare. There is a possibility that calcified deposits below the acromion may push down the humeral head. Sufficient rest and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during the acute inflammatory stage may be helpful for the melting and resorption of calcified deposits. In addition, the appropriate and comprehensive occupational therapy may contribute to the effects of upper-extremity hemiplegia with calcific tendinitis and shoulder subluxation.
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