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Web of ScienceのRehabilitation分野の136誌およびEigenfactor上位10誌に2010〜2015年の間に掲載された国別論文数を調査した.136誌の61,210論文中1,658論文(2.71%),Eigenfactor上位10誌の12,584論文中303論文(2.41%)が日本からであった.比較のためClinical Neurology, Orthopedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Urology & Nephrology分野の論文数につきRehabilitation分野と同様に調査した.日本のRehabilitation分野の論文割合は,他の分野と比べ,全体でも上位10誌でも有意に少なかった.その理由と対策につき,日本の医学全般とリハビリテーション分野の観点から検討した.
On Web of Science, the number of papers published in 2010-2015 in 136 journals and Eigenfactor top 10 journals categorized as “Rehabilitation” was counted for each country. From Japan, there were 1,658 (2.71%) of 61,210 papers published in 136 journals and 303 (2.41%) of 12,584 papers published in Eigenfactor top 10 journals. The number of papers in journals categorized as “Clinical Neurology,” “Orthopedics,” “Otorhinolaryngology,” “Urology and Nephrology,” and “Gastroenterology and Hepatology” was counted and compared with the number of papers published under the category “Rehabilitation.” We found that the percentage of papers from Japan that were published under the category “Rehabilitation” was significantly smaller than that of any other categories, in both the 136 journals and Eigenfactor top 10 journals. The reason and countermeasures were discussed from the viewpoint of Japanese papers from the entire field of medical science and the field of rehabilitation.

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