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要旨 目的:後骨間神経(PIN)の非外傷性麻痺の原因には,占拠性病変(主にガングリオン),PINのくびれ,絞扼(回外筋症候群)がある.今回,原因の同定に超音波検査(US)を行い有用性を評価した.方法:本麻痺の7例7肘を対象とした.PINと周囲組織をUSにより観察した.結果:以下のUS所見により3原因を同定できた.1)占拠性病変(2肘):いずれも低エコーでガングリオンと診断した.PINはこれにより挙上され,Frohse腱弓で圧迫されていた.2)PINのくびれと全長性の腫大(3肘).3)Frohse腱弓下でのPIN径の減少と近位の腫大(仮性神経腫)(2肘):回外筋症候群と診断した.結論:USは非外傷性PIN麻痺の原因検索に有用である.
Abstract Objective : Causes of nontraumatic posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) palsy include space-occupying lesions, constrictions of the PIN, and supinator syndrome. The purpose of this study was to identify these causes using Ultrasonography (US). Methods : We performed US in seven cases (seven elbows) with palsy and examined the PIN and surrounding structures. Results : We identified the three causes by the following US findings : 1) A space-occupying lesion in two elbows. Both were low-echoic and diagnosed as ganglion. In these two cases, the PIN was elevated by the lesion and compressed against the arcade of Frohse. 2) A diffusely swollen PIN with constrictions was found in three cases. 3) A PIN showing a reduction in caliber beneath and a swelling (pseudoneuroma) proximal to the arcade of Frohse, compatible with supinator syndrome was also identified. Conclusion : US is useful for the diagnosis of nontraumatic PIN palsy.
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