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◆要旨:[背景]ダ・ヴィンチに次ぐ第2の手術支援ロボットを目指し,腹腔鏡補助器具としてセンハンスが臨床使用されている.今回,センハンスを使用した結腸癌手術を本邦で初めて施行し得たので報告する.[方法と結果]回盲部切除を施行した9例が対象.助手鉗子によるアシストを活用する従来法に準じた方法と助手鉗子によるアシストを活用しないreduced-port surgeryに準じた方法を施行した.年齢中央値71歳,男性4例,女性5例.手術時間は中央値222分,出血量は中央値5ml,術中合併症はなし,Clavien Dindo分類Grade2以上の術後合併症1例,術後在院日数の中央値は6日.[結語]従来の腹腔鏡下手術と遜色ない結果であった.
In recent years, the Senhance Surgical System has been developed and used clinically as an alternative to the da Vinci Surgical System. To our knowledge, this is the study of cases that used Senhance Surgical System for the first time to colon cancer surgery in Japan. Nine patients underwent ileocecal resection and were subjected to conventional surgical method using assisted forceps and method similar to reduced-port surgery without assisted forceps. The median age of the patients was 71 years, including 4 men and 5 women. The median operation time and blood loss were 222 minutes and 5 mL, respectively. There were no intraoperative complications. One patient had a postoperative complication of grade II based on the Clavien-Dindo classification, and the median postoperative hospital stay was 6 days. The results could be compared favorably with those of conventional laparoscopic surgery.
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