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◆要旨:筆者らは,C-QUR EdgeTMおよびAbsorbaTackTMを用いた腹腔鏡下腹壁ヘルニア修復術を6例経験したので報告する.気腹下にトロッカーを3本挿入し,代用筋膜にC-QUR EdgeTMを使用した.これを8~12点非吸収性モノフィラメント糸にて経腹壁に皮下埋没固定し,さらに全周性にAbsorbaTackTMにてタッキング固定した.ヘルニア門の平均の大きさは49.4cm2で, 平均手術時間は149.7分であった.術後平均在院日数は7.7日であった.術後3日目にメッシュの逸脱により再手術を要した症例を1例認めたが,その他の症例は術後経過良好であった.C-QUR EdgeTMおよび AbsorbaTackTMの操作性は良好で, この2つのデバイスを用いた腹腔鏡下腹壁ヘルニア修復術は有効であると思われた.
Six patients underwent laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (LVHR) using C-QUR EdgeTM and AbsorbaTackTM. Three trocars were placed to achieve the procedure. C-QUR EdgeTM was used as hernia mesh sheet. C-QUR EdgeTM was fixed with 8-12 nonabsorbable monofilament sutures which were pulled through the abdominal wall and tied with the knots buried in subcutaneous tissues. The mesh was then tacked using AbsorbaTackTM. Mean fascial defect size was 49.4cm2. Mean operation time was 149.7minutes. The average length of the hospital stay was 7.7 days. One patient had a breakdown of the mesh on the third day after the operation and reoperation was necessary. C-QUR EdgeTM and AbsorbaTackTM were useful devices for the LVHR.
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