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◆要旨:筆者らは4型胃癌を中心とした高度進行胃癌の治療方針決定に対して審査腹腔鏡(stgaging laparoscopy;以下,SL)を導入し,正確な進行度診断と適切な治療法の選択を心がけている.対象:2006年4月~2009年10月に高度進行胃癌でSLを施行した患者21名とした.手技および方法:腹腔鏡手術手技を用い腹腔内を観察し洗浄細胞診を施行した.転移を疑う結節に対しては組織生検を施行した.結果:術前CTとSLの播種の有無における不一致率38.1%,SLにてP0, CY0であった患者の開腹時の播種の有無における不一致率25%であった.結語:SLはCTなどの画像診断では診断不能な微量な腹水の有無の確認と採取,腹壁の小結節の有無確認・採取にきわめて有効であり,正確な診断を得ることで適切な治療指針を選択することが可能である.
Necessity for more accurate preoperative staging to determine the proper treatment strategy for locally advanced gastric cancer Intraabdominal observation with laparoscopy is useful to determine the appropriate staging for patients with type 4 gastric cancer or highly advanced one. The aim of this study is to clarify the role of staging laparoscopy in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer. Twenty-one patients with T 3 or T 4 gastric cancer underwent staging laparoscopy(SL)with peritoneal lavage cytology. The stages determined by SL were compared with those obtained by conventional methods like preoperative CT scan. The discrepancy rate of staging was 38%(8/21), with down-staging in 3 of 11(28.5%)patients with SL and up-staging in 5 of 10(50%)patients with SL. SL is an effective tool for detecting unsuspected peritoneal metastasis . Moreover SL plays an important role for determining the appropriate stage for local advanced gastric cancer.

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