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自発呼吸は換気血流比を改善し,肺リクルートメントを促進する。しかし大きすぎる吸気努力は,重症の急性呼吸窮迫症候群acute respiratory distresss syndrome(ARDS)では肺傷害を引き起こし予後を悪化させる可能性があり,また,人工呼吸中の小さすぎる吸気努力はventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction(VIDD)による呼吸器離脱困難を引き起こす可能性がある。したがって,自発呼吸における呼吸仕事の評価は重要である。呼吸仕事の評価を行うための標準的手法として,食道内圧を利用して計算する呼吸仕事量work of breathing(WOB)やpressure-time product(PTP)があるが,食道内圧測定はまだ一般的でなく,臨床的にはあまり用いられていない。食道内圧が測定できない場合の吸気努力の評価には,P0.1,PAV+,横隔膜活動電位(Edi),横隔膜超音波検査を利用する方法などがある。今後は,呼吸仕事を評価し適切に維持することは,ARDS症例で1回換気量やdriving pressureを制限するように,人工呼吸器管理の常識になるかもしれない。
Main points
Spontaneous breathing improves the ventilation/perfusion relationship and promotes alveolar recruitment, but excessive inspiratory effort may exacerbate lung injury in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and worsen the prognosis. However, over-suppression of the inspiratory effort during mechanical ventilation may make liberation more difficult due to ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction. Therefore, accurate evaluation of the breathing effort is essential. The work of breathing and pressure-time product, which can be calculated by esophageal pressure, are gold standards for the evaluation of breathing effort. In current clinical settings, however, esophageal pressure is not commonly measured. Methods for estimating the effort of breathing in situations where esophageal pressure cannot be measured include P0.1, PAV+, the electrical activity of the diaphragm, and diaphragm ultrasound. In the future, proper evaluation and preservation of breathing effort may be common practice in the care of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation to restrict tidal volume and ΔP in patients with ARDS.

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