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対象と方法:対象者は89名(平均年齢72.0歳,標準偏差6.5歳)で,教室に週1回,合計20回参加した。教室開始時(Pre)と終了時(Post)でMini Mental State Examination(MMSE),Frontal Assessment Battery at Bedside(FAB),Trail Making Test(TMT)Part A and Part BとGeriatric Depression Scale(GDS)短縮版を測定した。Pre-MMSEの合計点を基準に比較的低い群(MMSE26点以下:A群)と高い群(MMSE27点以上:B群)に分けた。Pre-Post比較ではWilcoxonの符号付き順位検定を行ない,群間比較では,群間に有意差のあった年齢と教育年数を調整する目的で多変量共分散分析を行なった。教室終了時には,日常生活における変化を質問紙で調査した。
This study investigated the effect of “Healthy Mahjong” on the cognitive function of elderly persons who enrolled in the Healthy Mahjong Class in Saga City.
Participants were 89 healthy elderly persons (Mean age 72.0, SD 6.5) and played Mahjong once a week for 20 weeks. All participants completed Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Frontal Assessment Battery at Bedside (FAB), Trail Making Test (TMT) Part A and Part B, and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)-15 at pre- and post- Mahjong class. They were divided into two groups based on the MMSE score [Group A(GA) ≦ 26, Group B(GB) ≧ 27]. All participants were also asked to answer a questionnaire regarding their daily activities at post-Mahjong class. A multivariate analysis of covariance and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to analyze data.
GA showed significant differences in MMSE serial 7 (p<0.01) and total scores (p<0.05), TMT-A (p<0.05), and GDS-15 (p<0.05). The result of the questionnaire showed that the Healthy Mahjong provided them with a sense of fulfillment in their daily life and a motivation of trying new things and a human interaction.
These results suggested the positive effect of Healthy Mahjong on cognitive function. Additionally, Healthy Mahjong might enrich their everyday lives.

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