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2010(平成22)年6月~7月に通所デイサービスを利用する認知症高齢者を介護する家族介護者を対象とした。介入群には週2回×5週間,合計10回のタクティールケアを実施し,タクティールケアを実施しなかったコントロール群の対象者は年齢や疾患などほぼ同じ条件になるようにマッチングした。認知症高齢者については要介護度およびADL,コーエン・マンスフィールドagitation評価票で評価した。家族介護者については,健康関連QOL:SF-36v2TM(Short-Form 36-Item Health Survey v2TM),多次元介護負担感尺度(BIC-11),唾液のストレス指標などを調査した。それぞれベースライン調査と,介入後に評価指標を用いて評価した。
The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of Effects on improvement of the care burden and stress and, recovery of health for tactile massage for the family of the caregivers who take care of the elderly people with dementia at their home. Also, this is to reduce the symptoms which relate to the caregiver's burdens. This study was conducted from June until July 2010. The tactile massage group received tactile massage while on the other hand, the control group which were chosen with similar conditions, didn't receive a tactile massage. A tactile massage group received a total of 10 times each for about 30 minutes. The elderly people with dementia were assessed using their Activity of daily living (ADL) and the Cohen Mansfield agitation Index, and so on. The family caregivers were assessed by health-related quality of life using SF-36 (HOS Short-Form 36-Item Health Survey), Burden Index of caregiver (BIC-11), and General Health Questionnaire 28 (GHQ28) as mental health index. The saliva was taken to measure Chromogranin A (CgA) as an index of mental stress before and after the intervention. In SF-36, “Body pain” (BP) was significantly increased after the intervention of the tactile massage group. Moreover, the saliva in CgAwassignificantly decreased. These results were suggested that tactile massage for the family caregivers has an effect on the reduction of CgA as stress index and pain.

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