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Recent advances in chemotherapy and radio-therapy have brought about a marked improve-ment on the cure rate of maxillary carcinomas. However, in advanced cases of well differenciat-ed epidermoid carcinomas as in instages T3 or T4 radical surgery such as total or extended total maxillectomy is still needed. The conven-tional radical surgery upon these advanced cases invariably result in miserable facial deformity and functional disturbances, the factors which often prevent the surgeons from removing the tumor with ample surrounding tissues. Moreover, if primary reconstruction of the defect is perfo-rmed simultaneously at the time of the complete removal of the lesion, there would be not only improvement of cure rate but, also, of preventing the development of postoperative deformities and functional losses.
Primary reconstruction using D-P flap should be considered when there is a possibility of postoperative occurrence of any combination of defects as in the following category :
1. Marked retraction and flattening of the face, particularly in its lateral aspect which are often seen after extended total maxillectomy combined with total resection of the zygoma.
2. Large defect of the soft and hard palate which cannot be effectively closed by any pro-sthesis.
3. Full-thickness large defect of facial soft tissues after extended resection of the subcutane-ous soft tissues of the face which may cause marked cicatricial contractions and fistular for-mations.
4. The external ocular muscles and other con-tents in the orbita exposed by resection of the orbital bone, fascia and fat.
The raw surface of the wound, particularly that of the lateral and anterior is covered with D-P flap. The palatal defect is reconstructed by a second stage operation using a pedicle the flap.
In cases where a large defect of the facial skin occur the wound is covered by the tip of the D-P flap folded outward on itself, forming a double layer flap,or by combination of the sca-lping flap and the D-P flap.
In cases where an extended total maxillectomy is performed with preservation of the eye-ball and the external ocular muscles, the orbital con-tents are covered and suspended with a sheet of the fascia lata, and then covered again with the D-P flap.
To prevent flap necrosis for some time after the primary operation, a large bite-block is plac-ed between the gingivas, the remaining upper and lower, which is also indispensable for preve-nting the occurrence of trismus by cicatricial contraction of the masseter muscles after ex-tended total maxillectomy.
During the operation a repeated frozen section examination of the removed tissues is highly neceessary to ascertain that there is no residual tumor tis sues left behind. Postoperative through histopathological examination of the excised tissues is, also, essential.
Through these means the postoperative cos-metic and functional effects have been quite satisfactory.
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