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聴神経腫瘍は組織学的には良性腫瘍であるが,それが発生する場所柄から他の悪性腫瘍と同じく早期診断が最も望まれることであろう。聴神経腫瘍の早期診断に関しての報告は多いが,最近ではEdwards and Paterson4)(1951),Sakata etal.5)(1963),Erickson et al.6)(1964),Lumioand Aho7)(1966),Olivecrona8)(1967)などの報告がある。
Two cases of acoustic neurinoma are presented. The first case showed horizontal nystagmus to the right with the eyes closed, a reduced caloric response, and an enlarged internal auditory canal. A small tumor confined to the internal auditory canal was revealed by operation. Histological study of the tumor showed a typical acoustic neurinoma.
The second case showed bilateral gaze nystagmus at the end position, horizontal nystagmus to the right (the diseased side), moderately reduced caloric response and slight destruction of the petrous pyramid. A comparatively large tumor extending to the right oculomotor nerve level of the brain stem was found by operation.
Both cases showed an almost normal auditory and oculomotor functions.
The important findings for the early diagnosis are discussed from the neurotological point of view.

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