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1960年Jergerらによつて始められたSAL(Sensorineural Acuity Level)テストは,従来の骨導測定法の欠点とされていたCross HearingやOver Maskingを避ける事ができ,骨導受話器のcalibrationに伴う問題がない上に,臨床的に用いて簡便な方法である。本テストの研究にはWhite Noiseが用いられて来たが,White NoiseよりもBand Noiseを用いた方が良い事は多くの研究者が指摘している。しかしこれを用いた成績の発表は未だ比較的少い。我々はBand Noiseを使つて本テストを行い,若干の知見を得たので発表する。
For the purpose of conducting the SAL test, the band noise appeared to be better suited than white noise. By employing band noise the authors performed SAL test in patients affected with various forms of deafness. It may be said that SAL test has an advantage in avoiding cross-hearing, but there is also a disadvantage in which the range of the hearing test becomes limited. In this test there is also a discrepancy in the result obtained by bone-conduction threshold test on the one hand as compared to the amount of sensorineural loss estimated by the SAL test on the other, in the same person. The cause of this variance is being investigated.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.