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Vestibular symptoms manifested in 63 cases of infratentorial brain affections were consi-dered in the light of spontaneous nystagmus (broad sense).
There was only 1 cases in which no spont-aneous nystagmus was recognized in the 63.
Nystagmus elicited by change in head-position numbered. 37.
In most of those who showed spontaneous nystagmus in its narrow interpretation the nystagmus was directed to the opposite side of the lesion and horizontal in plane.
On the influence of visual attention that caused nystagmus the cases were divided into 7 general groups according to Kitamura's classification.
Nystagmus caused by change in head-posi-tion is manifested by that in horizontal plane,in alternatingly change in direction and that is fixed in direction ; the largest number bel-onged to the last group. The type that showed alternatingly change the direction of nystag-mus was poined upwards.
Symptoms of cerebello-pontine-angle tumor in thier early stages are manifested, beside the presence of nystagmus, abnormal corneal reflex,nausea and vomiting, disturbed sen-sation of taste and tinnitus. According to the degree of severity these symptoms this disease was divided into V different stages. The aut-hor emphasizes the importance of establishing diagnosis in stage Ⅰ.

Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.