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Nomoto investigates the effects of "spinal pumping" on the internal ear from histological interests. Using rabbits as experimental animals, one group was subjected to tissue fixation immediately following establishment of spinal fluid pressure alteration while, the other was similarly treated but, after completion of varying series of "spinal pumping" which ranged from 3 to 5 to 10 snch pumping actions with intervening space of 5 days apart for each increase beyond the initial 3. With each animal of this latter group the ear on one side was treated with Nissl stain without preliminary decalcification of bones. Following results were obtained:
1. Spinal fluid pressure alteration beyond a certain point evidently produced morphological changes in labyrinthine membranes.
2. "Spinal pumping" caused hemorrhages to appear in the internal ear.
3. When "pumping" is limited to 3 excursions no change was observed in the organ of Corti excepting that, of slight, acutely edematous one at both ganglion cells, spirale and vestibular.
4. With 5 excursions changes in the organ of Corti were more readily noticeable.
5. With 10 excursions such changes as described above were well established yet, they appeared as if they were not altogether irreversible.
6. "Spinal pumping" creates a state of pressure inbalance in the internal ear, directly by way of internal auditory meatus, and as the result of which the perilymph is set into flowing movement that it is rendered as mechanical stimulation to the end-organs of the internal ear as well as to cells of both nerve ganglia, spirale and vestibular.

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