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A case of cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita was reported, and a study was made on the literature.
A newborn boy was first seen in our clinic on Feb. 17, 1964, 6 days after birth. Exami-nation revealed a slightly depressed, stellate erythema on the right knee, and retiform, reddish violet macules on the inner aspect of the same leg. The leg was smaller in circumference than the other, but not different in length. Xray examination disclosed no abnormalities of the bones. A skin specimen was taken for biopsy on the 10th day from birth. Beneath the normal epidermis, numerous dilated capillaries were found in the whole dermis, as shown in strawberry mark. Their endothelial cells showed proliferation. In the course of several months' observation, the skin condition showed marked improvement, while the circumference of the involved leg remained still smaller than that of the opposite.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.