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A case of neuro-Behcet disease presenting as a thalamo-lenticular expanding lesion is reported. A 41-year-old female was admitted with mental deterioration and right hemiparesis. She had been suffering fromrecurrent oral and genital ulcers and erythema nodosum for several years before admission. Neurologicalexamination on admission revealed poor mental activity, dysarthria and right hemiparesis. Lumbar punc-ture showed CSF pleocytosis. CT and MRI revealed a thalamo-lenticular expanding lesion. CT showed ahomogeneous hypodense lesion of the left lenticulothalamic region, which was enhanced in the centralpart, exerting a mild mass effect. MRI also revealed the lesion better. The T2 weighted images showed ahigh intensity signal in the left thalamo-lenticular region and the left peduncle. The Ti weighted imagesshowed a low signal in the corresponding areas with a central enhancement with Gd-DTPA. EEG, SPECTand angiography indicated normal findings. Histologic study of the brain biopsy tissue ruled out a tumorbut did not show any specific diagnosis. The patient improved with steroid therapy. In conclusion, the clinical and radiological presentation of neuro-Behcet disease can mimic a cerebraltumor. In such cases, stereotactic biopsy is useful to exclude suspicion of a cerebral tumor.

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