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We present a case with brain abscess associated with entrapment of the lateral ventricle appearing morelike remarkable brain edema in the temporo-occipital lobe than ventricular dilatation. A 72-year-old mansuffering from headache and vomiting visited our clinic. CT and MRI showed brain abscess in the rightparieto-occipital lobe, associated with ventriculitis. Lumbar puncture also revealed purulent meningitis.Both symptoms and CSF findings improved after administration of antibiotics. The improved conditioncontined for two months after admission, but disturbed consciousness and left hemiparesis than appeared.MRI and CT showed entrapment of the lateral ventricle and brain edema of the right temporo-occipital re-gion without ventricular dilatation. Because brain edema was thought to be caused by transudate of theCSF through the ventricular wall, lobectomy of the right temporal lobe and opening of the temporal hornwere carried out. Although left hemiparesis and disturbed consciousness and brain edema disappearred af-ter the operation, subdural effusion appeared. Using a subdural-peritoneal shunt, the subdural effusion wasprevented and disappeared.
In this case, we thought Hounsfield Unit (HU) of the brain edema caused by transudate of CSF throughthe ventricular wall (12.6) was markedly lower than that of so-called vasogenic edema (25.1) due to activeinflammation. Measurement of the HU seemed to be a useful means to differentiate the types of brain ede-ma in this situation from that of vasogenic edema caused by brain abscess, and thus a means for selectionof the appropriate treatment.

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