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We report a case of a brain abscess which initially presented with subcortical hematoma and ultimately re-sulted in fatal brain stem infarction due to its rupure into the subarachnoid space.
A 50-year-old male was admitted to a nearby hospital with complaints of headache, fever, and sensory apha-sia. He had ventricular septal defect found 15 years pre-viously, sinusitis, and liver cirrhosis. Computerized tomographic (CT) scan revealed a left temporal subcor-tical hematoma. Gadolinium-DTPA enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed faint ring-like en-hancement at the margin of the lesion. The left internal carotid angiogram demonstrated the vascular blush and early venous filling of the vein of Labbe.Adminis-tration of antibiotics and predonine resulted in resolu-tion of fever within five days. MRI obtained 17 days af-ter the onset showed typical ring-like enhancement. The mass was just adjacent to the lateral ventricle. The patient was transferred to our hospital for further ex-amination and treatment 21 days after the onset. Fever had recurred 2 days before admission to our hospital. One day after admission, the patient began to vomit. About 15 hours following this symptom, he suddenly became comatose and tetraplegic. CT scan demon-strated a rupture of the abscess. Emergent drainage from the lateral ventricle and the abscess cavity was undertaken. Follow-up CT scan revealed multiple in-farctions involving the upper brain stem and the bilater-al thalamus. He died on the 29th day after the onset. The mechanisms of hemorrhage with a brain abscess and cerebral infarction after rupture of brain abscess are discussed. Hemorrhage with brain abscess is ex-tremely rare. However, brain abscess should be consi-dered as a possible etiology of an atypical hematoma. To avoid fatal rupture of the brain abscess, immediate treatment is essential. Once the rupture of the brain abscess occurs, its contents might cause vasospasm se-vere enough to cause cerebral infarction.

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