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Venous System Playing a Key Role in Transpetrosal Approach Iwao YAMAKAMI 1 , Shinji HIRAI 1 , Akira YAMAURA 1 , Junichi ONO 2 1Department of Neurosurgery, Chiba University School of Medicine 2Chiba Cardiovascular Center Keyword: angiography , complication , skull base surgery , transpetrosal approach , venous infarction pp.699-707
Published Date 1998/8/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436901601
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A case with a large vertebrobasilar junction aneurysm developed a venous infarction in the temporallobe after an operation using the transpetrosal approach. Although little of the literature has been con-cerned with venous complications after the transpetrosal approach, the case prompted us to study thevenous system as playing a key role in the transpetrosal approach.

Analyzing 30 carotid and 15 vertebral angiograms of 15 patients who underwent preoperative cerebralangiography using digital subtraction angiography (DSA), we investigated the venous system near thejunction of the superior petrosal sinus, the transverse sinus and the sigmoid sinus (STS junction) whichmay play a key role in the transpetrosal approach.

Drainage pathways of the superficial middle cerebral vein (SMCV) were classified into four types; sphe-noparietal, sphenobasal, sphenopetrosal and undeveloped. In the sphenopetrosal type (4/30 : 13%), thedrainage of SMCV passes back along the floor of the middle fossa to drain into the transverse sinus. Thelateral temporal vein (LTV) and the temporobasal vein (TBV) drain into the transverse sinus. The LTVemptied into the transverse sinus either directly (20/30: 67%) or indirectly through the tentorial sinus(10/30: 33%). The entry of the LTV into the transverse sinus (venous point) was usually located in thelateral third of the transverse sinus (14/20: 70%), but sometimes in the middle third (6/20: 30%). TheTBV, observed in 8/30 (27%), also often emptied into the tentorial sinus to drain into the transverse sinus.Atresia of a unilateral transverse sinus and a large LTV emptying into the distal sigmoid sinus wasobserved in 2/15 cases.

The venous system near the STS junction may be interrupted by the incision of the tentorium and themiddle fossa dura mater and by the retraction of the sigmoid sinus. Since the transpetrosal approach may cause venous complication by compromising the venous systemnear the STS junction, it is necessary to evaluate of the venous system preoperatively using DSA and toset up a surgical strategy preserving the venous system.

Copyright © 1998, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


